Joan writing
Mi MaM

Mi Mam
edited by Joan Wilkinson

Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C E


Sad Times

The family nursed him for a week hoping that he would pull through, but it wasn't to be. Never in my life had I experienced such grief. Leslie had always been there with me through the bad times but now I felt bereft and alone, even though the family was there for support.

However, life had to go on. John and Andrew ran the business and I continued to work with them. It was decided to get some secretarial help and we were lucky enough to find Sheila who came three half days each week.

Adele continued to work at the Bank until 1979 when she became pregnant. We were all overjoyed when she gave birth to a little baby girl who was named Rebecca, Becky for short. This, my first granddaughter, was a real blessing to me. She would come over and stay with me whilst her Mum went shopping. I would lift her onto a stool to look through the window and together we would count the number of passing cars.

After Leslie died it was decided that we would sell all the pigs and concentrate on the straw business. We needed a much larger baler to do this properly so Andrew went to the factory where Hesston Balers were assembled to see if this would be the right move for us. Having decided that this was the right direction to take the Hesston Baler was bought. Andrew worked the big machine and employed casual staff to work the smaller, conventional baler. John organised the haulage. For three months, during and following harvest, work was hectic. We had to employ gangs of workers to make sure that the straw was cut, baled and lead during this short space of time.

Andrew and Adele were keen to earn extra money so they became distributors for Amway. This meant meetings at night in their home and distributing during the day.

When Becky was three she started play-school where she often made little presents for me. The funny little cardboard toys and bookmark are treasured possessions which are kept safely. We were all delighted when Becky's little brother Dan was born.

The partnership between John and Andrew was floundering and eventually they parted company. This was a very sad moment for me but John hadn't been happy with the situation for a long while and he was beginning to think of the future for himself and his two sons. John was to work from Asselby and Andrew to stay at Cliffe. I finally retired at the age of sixty-seven, by this time I felt quite worn out. Sheila, the secretary went to work with John. Adele and Andrew worked together.

I felt that it would be good to join in some of the village activities so decided to go to The Friendship Club and at the first meeting arranged to go with a friend to a Whist Drive in the village. Unfortunately I collapsed and damaged my back which meant six weeks of bed-rest. At the time we were all worried in case I wouldn't walk again but I was determined to get going and with two sweeping-brushes for crutches started getting about the house again. I continued to get attacks and for that year didn't manage to get down the lane for my usual walks. The family were all very good to me particularly Andrew, Adele and Margaret. Adele cooked all my meals which must have been a great strain for her as she was still working with Andrew as well as looking after the two children. Margaret came over to do the shopping and tidy the house.

Immediately after retiring I had gone to stay with Joan for a break. Whilst there the idea had come up that perhaps it would be a good idea to write down some of the interesting things that had happened in my life. Being so ill made me think of the idea again and having time to look through the many newspaper cuttings which Leslie and I had collected over the years I decided to make a start on a scrap book, put pen to paper and write down the many memories which seemed to be so vivid at this time of my life.

My life had always revolved around farms and families and I seemed to have gone through the full cycle from being a little girl living with my Granny to being a Granny myself with a little granddaughter of my own who was so special to me particularly at that difficult time. So this little book was born.

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